PicLens – King of Firefox extensions?

Well, it might not be king, based on how much usage I get from it, but PicLens is definitely a beauty to play around with, and it's functional too. I've written a full write-up on my business blog, so I won't repeat it verbatim here, but if you're interested in my ramblings, check out: http://www.pixelapes.com/2008/03/11/pic-lens-best-browser-extension/… Continue reading PicLens – King of Firefox extensions?

Simple Hit Tail Plugin For Word Press

TailHitter Options Screen Chaos Laboratory have released a useful plugin for Word Press which allows you to quickly and without any coding knowledge add Hit Tail tracking code to your Word Press blog. The plugin is called Tailhitter, and it's currently at version 0.4 (Beta), but don't let the low version number and "beta"  tagline… Continue reading Simple Hit Tail Plugin For Word Press

Google Gears

Google Gears Out of the blue Google have announced a new beta product that could make their web application suite absolutely killer.Google Gears is just out and you can get it here: http://gears.google.com/Gears is browser extension which will allow you offline functionality for web applications. What's more is that you can see this in action… Continue reading Google Gears